
BHFA Decides to Build Coalition of Groups for Street Support - Brighton & Hove

November 30, 2020

BHFA Trustees decided that it was time for BHFA to move forwards on its committment to undertake a meaningful piece of work to help those people experiencing homelessness.

Early converstions with the Street Support Network were fruitful and  BHFA looked forward to building a local group of like minded organisations to take the project forwards and launch an on-line database of services designed to get help to people rapidly as this has been shown to significantly improve longterm outcomes for those people experiencing homelessness.

Street Support Network

Street Support was originally developed in Manchester and has rapidly become a key resource in the city for all those people seeking services in the city, especially those experiencing homelessness. The online database categorises services under twelve categories and navigation is via an attractive and easy to use set of buttons and links.