
Multi-faith vigil for the victims of the Baghdad and Nice attacks

July 17, 2016

A few minutes after midnight on the 3rd of July, a terrorist detonated a huge bomb near a busy market in Karrada, Baghdad, killing almost 300 people.

This was the deadliest attack in Iraq since 2003 and was part of a global campaign by ISIS to kill as many innocent people as it could during the month of Ramadan.

On 14th July a terrorist ploughed his van through a crowd of people celebrating Bastille day in Nice, France, killing at least 84 people and wounding many others.

People have been grieving at the way the world has been tearing itself apart. A Member of Parliament was recently assassinated, hate crimes have soared since the Brexit vote, racial tensions have once again inflamed in the US and terrorists continue to attack innocent people across the world.

We held a multi-faith day time candlelit vigil at All Saints Church on Sunday 17th July and people of all faiths and of none joined us in lighting 400 candles, mourned the victims and stood in solidarity for a more peaceful and loving world, emptied of the hate and division we so boldly oppose.

Brighton and Hove News reported the vigil here.


This event was organised by Brighton and Hove Faith in Action and supported by the following organisations: