
Faith Council February Agenda

February 01, 2018

Brighton and Hove Faith Council


10am – Noon

Thursday, 22nd February 2018

St Patricks Church, 1 Cambridge Road, Hove, BN3 1DE

(Parking is very difficult in this location; you may wish to consider alternative transport)

Theme: Homelessness

Come and hear presentations of what faith groups are doing to end homelessness and rough sleeping in the city.





Faith groups presenting their work:

Faith Group Project Speaker
1.                YMCA Downslink Group Various Chaz Walker, CEO YMCA DLG
2.                YMCA Brighton Various Mark Wainwright, Deputy CEO YMCA Brighton
3.                St Marys CofE Church St Anne’s day centre Hazel Randall, St Anne’s Trustee
4.                Elim Pentecostal Church Soup run Mike Byron, volunteer
5.                Al Medinah Mosque Deen Relief Shabek Ali, Deen Relief founder
6.                Saint Vincent DePaul Society Soup run Peter Cropp, SVP cmte member
7.                Metropolitan Community Church Various Rev Andy Ramage, Church leader




·        First 45-60 minutes will be usual Faith Council business.

·        Faith groups who deliver homeless services will present their work in the following 60-75 minutes.

·        Q&A will follow each 5-10 minute presentation.

Teas and coffees provided