

May 01, 2024


Our 2024 AGM took place on May 1st, and was a warm and generative public occasion well attended by leaders representing various faith groups in our city, as well as guests including Cllr. Leslie Pumm (BHCC cabinet member for Communities, Equalities and Human Rights) 

We were pleased to share about the projects and partnerships we have been working on and to welcome four new trustees to the fold: Robert Brown (Buddhist), Rabbi Andrea Zanardo (Jewish), Stuart Diamond (Jewish), and Claire Ashenden (Roman Catholic).

Alongside the business of the AGM, we wanted to highlight the good relationships between faith groups and faith leaders in Brighton and Hove, which is especially pertinent at this time of geopolitical conflict. Rabbi Andrea of Brighton and Hove Reform Synangouge and Imam Utham of Al-Medinah Mosque shared insight with us some counsel from their respective scriptures on the subject of ’Public Peace’ between faiths, highlighting the humanitarian resources present in their own traditions. We recorded the short presentations and offer them here for your encouragement: